Peer Review: Pod 10’s Interactive Learning Resource

This is a link to Pod 10’s Interactive learning resource

In this peer review, I will be assessing Pod 10’s interactive learning resource draft which pertains to the instruction of the economy and how it works. I will be breaking it down into the sections: general layout, course information, syllabus, topics, and assessments.

General layout:

The website is easy to navigate and provides a simple means to progressively work through the information. The creators could perhaps consider changing the font to a more common/professional font such as Calibri (body), or times new roman, rather than courier new. I like how clean and sleek the formatting is, as well as the color scheme.

Course Information:

The course information tab has a clear assessment plan and a description/ rationale for the learning theory used which are both articulated in a simple and concise way that is easy to interpret. I might have missed something, but I feel as though this tab should also include an overview of the resource, such as topics/subtopics, as well as learning outcomes and information on the inclusion of diverse learners. For the final copy of the interactive learning, resource consider including these factors so as to meet the requirements outlined here.


This section is very well done, it is easy to follow and has an in-depth description of how the resource will be taught and the information to be learned. Perhaps include a picture, or some form of design, simply for aesthetics of the website. I would not revise anything other than that.


The topics are easy to differentiate and seem to follow a good progression of knowledge. I find it very easy and simple to flow through the information.  Each topic includes a corresponding interactive learning activity that is concisely explained and do not seem over-complicated and are also highly relevant and related to the syllabus. Perhaps include a short rationale for why you included videos, and why this source of technology is favorable for learning the particular resource. As well, perhaps consider mentioning how these interactive learning activities are designed for inclusion of diverse learners (for example, how will an individual who does not have access to a computer proceed with the activity? You can include other technologies such as books for these particular students).


Clear and concise assessment plan. I like that the creators included a plan for each individual topic, and also included some visuals to aid in complete understanding of what is being presented/ what is required of the learner.

Thanks for listening 🙂